CRO Calculator.
Easily predict your potential revenue with our CRO calculator. With smart CRO tweaks to your website, your revenue could explode, or if you sit on your hands and do nothing, you may watch your revenue limp along.
Ecommerce Website - CRO Calculator
How many visitors does your website get each month?
What percentage of visitors currently make a purchase?
How much does the average customer spend when they make a purchase?
See how your conversion rate can impact your revenue.
Based on these numbers, here is what you could expect for return on investment
- Current Monthly Revenue 0
- Projected Conversion Rate 0
- Projected Monthly Revenue 0
Revenue Increase
(per month)
Lead Generation Website - CRO Calculator
How many visitors does your website get each month?
What percentage of visitors currently become leads?
Once a lead becomes a customer, how much is their avg. value to your business?
What percentage of your leads become paying customers?
See how your conversion rate can impact your revenue.
Based on these numbers, here is what you could expect for return on investment
- Current Leads 0
- Projected Leads 0
- Increase in Leads 0
- Current Monthly Revenue 0
- Projected Monthly Revenue 0
Revenue Increase
(per month)