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5 Tips & Tricks to Make the Most of Your Google Ads

5 Tips & Tricks to Make the Most of Your Google Ads 5

As a business owner, you want every advertising dollar to reap the result you want. Since Google Ads can turbo-charge leads and sales generation when it is done right, the need to execute every Google Ads campaign with sound strategy becomes that much more critical. Here are five easy ways to optimise your Google Ads.

1. Optimise your landing page.

The landing page is where your potential customers will land after clicking on your Google Ads. Like how a first impression counts, searchers will leave if they land on a page that doesn’t answer their search queries. Conversely, a good landing page can hook them in and increase your chance of converting them to customers. What can make your landing page stand out then?

Start by maintaining consistency between your keywords, ad copy, and page content. More importantly, the landing page must bear compelling copies that address the searchers’ needs, how your product benefits them, and finally, a call-to-action (CTA) that motivates them to take action.

2. Know which keyword match type to use.

Google Ads relies on searchers’ queries using keywords to display ads that match their intent. The four types of modifiers you can use to increase the effectiveness of your Google advertising efforts include Broad Match, Broad Match Modified, Phrase Match, and Exact Match. When in doubt, always check with your digital agency on the most appropriate modifier to fast-track your performance marketing.

3. Leverage negative keywords.

While it is important to tell Google what your products and services are, it is equally important to tell them what you are not. Utilising negative keywords is one of the most effective ways of targeting your campaign at the right audience. When you activate this function, you can prevent your ads from showing on keyword searches that don’t align with the customers you want.

For example, if you’re marketing mortgage loans, excluding terms like “personal loan”, “business loan” and “credit line” tell Google what your product is not so that your ads will not be shown to searchers that are not your target audience.

4. Include all relevant ad content.

Don’t leave out any pertinent ad content because it can affect your Google advertising and performance marketing effort. Include all information fields such as your landing page URL, Headline 1 to 3, Path 1 to 2, Description Lines 1 & 2. Focus on making the content in these fields as relevant as possible to searchers’ intent instead of using general statements. You can also add the option for Responsive Search Ads (RSAs), where you give Google a list of headline and description options. Google will attempt to combine these options to achieve the best result.

5. Don’t miss out on ad extensions.

Consider optimising your ads with ad extensions to boost performance and visibility. Some of the commonly used ad extensions are Sitelinks Extensions, Callout Extensions, Structured Snippets, Call Extensions, Location Extensions. By leveraging all relevant ad extensions, you can offer valuable information to your customers and elevate the customer experience. 

Now that you know how to optimise your Google Ads, you can try putting a Google ad campaign together. Alternatively, reach out to the premier Google Ads agency, First Page Singapore to learn how you can execute results-driven campaigns. Get in touch with us for your digital advertising needs today!

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