For some, remote working might seem like a dream come true. You can wake up anytime you want and you need not commute to work. There are tons of perks to the new work from home business culture in Singapore…
… But it does bring, with it, some unique challenges for businesses.
For instance, it might be a bit time-consuming to keep up with the sudden surge of orders on your online store. You might also notice that establishing your digital presence on Google My Business isn’t as simple as it used to be with the various algorithm updates that have been rolled out recently in the wake of global developments.
While only businesses that provide non-essential services have been working from home, there has been a significant number of digital trends that were born out of the emerging work from business culture in Singapore. Let’s take a look at some of them.
A. Emerging Trends in eCommerce
The shift from offline to online and ballooning amount of web traffic on eCommerce stores should come to no surprise as the majority of the country is choosing to stay home and businesses offering non-essential services are closed.
But there have been some unique developments in the eCommerce industry. These developments are centered around providing solutions to help customers cope and adjust better.
1. Contactless Delivery
To maintain social distancing, contactless delivery is now an option for shoppers. Shoppers can choose to have the fulfillment company deposit their orders in their letterboxes so that they minimize contact with people outside their homes.
Here’s how Ninja Van Singapore chose to announce their new initiative:
2. Support Marketing
eCommerce used to be all about making profits and getting sales. However, it seems like paid and organic branded content is leaning more towards providing solutions and channeling positive vibes. See this example by local cake store
3. Robots
Remember how we said artificial intelligence will rule the world one day? Well, they kinda are thanks to the work from home business culture in Singapore and other parts of the world.
Various global tech brands have been rolling out autonomous robots to do the delivery work for them. In automating these manual processes, eCommerce stores can reduce operational costs and manpower.
Spot, the four-legged robot-dog, made its debut in Singapore recently. Spot promotes social distancing in parks and other public areas.
4. Collaboration
Were you surprised to hear that bubble tea stores would have to stop operations temporarily earlier this year? Because we sure were!
Bubble tea shops, ice-cream parlours and a significant number of businesses (providing non-essential services) had to halt work momentarily.
However, some have opted to collaborate with other essential businesses to cope with these changes.
Check out how Milksha Singapore joined forces with Yum Cha Express:
B. Rising Norms in Organic Digital Marketing
Yes, people – organic digital marketing still works even in the new normal.
However, the old rules about subtle promotions no longer apply.
These days, storytelling is the way to go for organic content.
Since the work from home business culture in Singapore involves mainly relying on the internet for information, it has become much easier for a business to rank for various search queries.
1. Crisis Response Landing Pages
Many businesses have set up their own sui generis crisis response landing page with content tailored specifically to a reader who is looking for a solution to problems like budget cuts or lack of manpower that have arisen out of the work from home business culture in Singapore.
Read a tweet from public relations agency Porter Novelli about how they have consolidated a series of resources for the new normal:
Today, we’re launching Wave III of the Porter Novelli COVID-19 Tracker – a benchmark study examining expectations of companies during #COVID19. We hope it serves as a beacon for business & plan ahead for the unprecedented.
Download our full report here:
— Porter Novelli (@porternovelli) May 8, 2020
2. Instructional Content
Since most people are turning to the internet for information, there has never been a better time to pump out quality content.
Content that is considerate and helpful can easily help a business enhance their brand awareness and build a loyal readership.
Quality content isn’t exactly a new trend, but there has been a surge of instructional blog articles and videos around hobbies like cooking. Check out this example from Klook Singapore.
3. Interactive Content
Brand awareness on many social media platforms like LinkedIn and Instagram is built on engagement. We noticed a couple of brands publishing interactive content like polls, Ask Me Anything (AMA) and even bingo challenges to interact with their followers.
We did our part to interact with our own audience on LinkedIn to come up with ideas for our Zoom In With First Page series. Check it out:
C. Digital Lifestyle Developments
These days, one can’t exactly head to a bar for some drinks after work. Nevertheless, some businesses have been adapting to these changes.
1. Virtual Fitness Classes
Since gyms and fitness centres are closed, studios are taking to Zoom, Facebook and Instagram to livestream their fitness classes. One can simply sign up and tune in!
See below for an example from MVMT Studio Singapore, an aerial and pole fitness studio.
2. Telecommunication
We saved the best for last because you are probably already riding this trend!
To promote social distancing, telecommunication through platforms like Skype and Zoom for staff meetings are commonplace in the new world of work.
B2Bs can also use telecommunication to bring in new business and pitch to external clients.
Our agency keeps the company culture alive with weekly Zoom parties. Here’s a sneak peak:
Is the Work From Home Business Culture in Singapore Here to Stay?
Nothing is as predictable as it used to be in these unprecedented times. In spite of that, one thing’s for sure – the digital space will continue evolving. The internet has transformed our lives in multiple ways. It has helped us cope better with global changes and navigate through uncharted waters. It will be interesting to see how offline activities will continue to impact the digital space.